Dear Members and Friends of Good Shepherd,

In light of the impending snowstorm, church service and all activities (including Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Bible Study, and Choir) on February 9 are canceled. Please feel free to pass this information on and help us get the word out.

Stay warm and safe. We hope you can join us next week for worship and our congregational breakfast!

Message: What's the Catch? (Luke 5:1–11) 

Service of Word & Sacrament
February 16, 2025 
9:00 AM in person and livestreaming

Music: Rigaudon (Prelude); Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing; This Is the Feast of Victory; Arise, Shine; You Satisfy the Hungry Heart; Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart; Arise, Shine; They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love; Ancient of Days (Postlude).

10:15 AM Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Choir and The Chosen

    Catch us live and online here:

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
543 Glen St., Glens Falls New York
Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ

And for a celebration of previous years, our new 75th Anniversary Video!


The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

543 Glen Street, Glens Falls, New York 12801

Our Mission: Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ

Phone: (518) 792-7971











Email [email protected]

543 Glen Street
Glen Falls, NY 12801




Join as we stream live:

and on YouTube:


The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

543 Glen Street, Glens Falls, New York 12801

Our Mission: Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ














Email [email protected]

543 Glen Street
Glen Falls, NY 12801


 do not be grieved,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Service of Word & Sacrament
February 2, 2025 
9:00 AM in person and livestreaming

Music: The Prayer Garden (Prelude); Canticle of the Turning; This Is the Feast of Victory; Arise, Shine; Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old; Just As I Am; God of Grace and God of Glory; The March of Faith (Postlude).

10:15 AM Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Choir and The Chosen

    Catch us live and online here:

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
543 Glen St., Glens Falls New York
Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ

And for a celebration of previous years, our new 75th Anniversary Video!


The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

543 Glen Street, Glens Falls, New York 12801

Our Mission: Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ

Phone: (518) 792-7971











Email [email protected]

543 Glen Street
Glen Falls, NY 12801




Join as we stream live:

and on YouTube:


The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

543 Glen Street, Glens Falls, New York 12801

Our Mission: Know, Love and Serve God Through Christ














Email [email protected]

543 Glen Street
Glen Falls, NY 12801



Our Vision

Through God's Word the Holy Spirit empowers us and gives us life in Christ. Through meaningful worship and education we will come to know God better. In response to His love for us our congregation will grow in faith, fellowship, and outreach to serve the needs of all God's children. 

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
and the Atlantic District (LCMS)
